MICROVERSE I – ongoing project

27 October 2023 – 21 January 2024

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… in her new research project, which will be shown for the first time at the museum Deichtorhallen / PHOXXI, the Temporary House of Photography, in Hamburg / Germany she makes use of bacteria. The resulting new series of works will be created in collaboration with the microbiologist Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge from the Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In order to visualize processes that materials undergo in nature, discolored plants and fruits will serve as a growth substrate for bacteria, which form morphologically differentiated and spectacularly colorful colonies with their colored antibiotics. The complex interplay of growth and decay in nature is thus made directly visible.

Curated by Ingo Taubhorn, chief-curator, House of Photography / Deichtorhallen Hamburg
The exhibition is being produced for the Deichtorhallen Hamburg.

> examples from the Microverse I series, 2023 – ongoing, archival pigment print

Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

MICROVERSE II – ongoing project

27 October 2023 – 21 January 2024

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… in her new research project, which will be shown for the first time at the museum Deichtorhallen / PHOXXI, the Temporary House of Photography, in Hamburg / Germany she makes use of bacteria. The resulting new series of works will be created in collaboration with the microbiologist Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge from the Excellence Cluster “Matters of Activity” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In order to visualize processes that materials undergo in nature, discolored plants and fruits will serve as a growth substrate for bacteria, which form morphologically differentiated and spectacularly colorful colonies with their colored antibiotics. The complex interplay of growth and decay in nature is thus made directly visible.

Curated by Ingo Taubhorn, chief-curator, House of Photography / Deichtorhallen Hamburg
The exhibition is being produced for the Deichtorhallen Hamburg

> examples from the Microverse II series, 2023 – ongoing, archival pigment print

Excellence Cluster “Matters of Activity” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

fairies I

examples from the Fairies I series, 2020 – ongoing, archival pigment print

fairies II

examples from the Fairies II series, 2020, archival pigment print

fairies III

Fairies III series in cooperation with Freie Universitaet Berlin, department Botanik, AG Bachelier

fairies IV

examples from the Fairies IV series, 2021 – ongoing, archival pigment print

fairies V

examples from the Fairies V series, 2021 – ongoing, archival pigment print

Fairies VI

examples from the Fairies VI series, 2021 – ongoing, archival pigment print

Fairies VII

examples from the Fairies VII series, 2023 – ongoing, archival pigment print